Category Archives: republican day Nepal

Nepal in way of making a republican nation

Five years back, we dethroned monarchy system in Nepal with the aspirations of creating a better Nepal, but still after facing years of trial and error method, the country has not been able to evolved from the treacherous influence of communism. 16,000 people lost their lives which have proven to be worthless, and there is no  rule of law. For what did we  faced the struggle is my question.

We removed one king and today we have thousand kings who live among their  people ruling and terrorizing the public with their criminal approaches and strategies. 

What more can you expect and find within a country that survived civil war and trying to make its way through development. The struggle of the past decade has pulled the country backward in every aspect of its management and operation, where we have become slaves of foreign donation and aid. Nepal’s development efforts have just been limited towards utilizing the foreign aid. We have emptied our homes community and towns sending our brothers and sisters to foreign countries in view of earning money.

What can we do? There is no security for normal public, the rates of women violence has gone up, crime rates have gone up and criminals in association of politicians are legalizing their status what more worst can you expect. You acquire a degree and there are no jobs, the government policies weak in every aspect of providing employment opportunity. 

There is a saying that says, “If you put cold water in between hot water then gradually the cold water changes into hot.” I have always tried to relate this scenario with our country which hold its image among the giant super power India and China. But reluctantly I know the reality that Nepal cannot develop with such political leaders and political culture that professes the ideology of party politics, corruption, nepotism etc.  
Even at government administration level the situation has worsen so much that the governance or leadership of the government has been handed over to the bureaucracywhich is leading the country nowhere. How is it possible in a democratic country that reflects the image of Republican have a prime minister with no consensus? It’s like the jungle rule that influences the government with money, power and corruption.The difference in between the haves and haves not is increasing more, the country faces huge economic crisis in coming days.  
Reality of today, Nepal was made Republican in retrospective of the political aspirations that influenced the strategy of divide and rule. Nepal being a republican makes a clear platform for the foreign power players to play their games, it is just their strategy that challenges the sovereignty where Nepal faces great hindrance in its future.

In a country where the GDP rate that is blow poverty line and which has been marked as a under developed country, how can the nation survive with futile policies and leadership. We need education, health, resources and infrastructures not states and province. How can this debate be ended that its not about the governance or ruling its about the facilitation and how its can be managed? 

If only our so called political leaders would understand and make it work Nepal could be somewhere else than this.